Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy (Belated) Birthday, USMC!

I forgot to post this yesterday, even though it was ready to go....

My dad was a Marine, and we were required to know the Marine Corp birthday very early in Life. He is working on making sure the grand kids know, so Maddie, who is 5, reminded me of the birthday this year. Most years it is easy to remember, it is the day before Veteran's Day, and other holiday my dad faithfully celebrates and two day's before my sister's birthday. Dad was very disappointed she did not decide to be born 2 days earlier!

My dad joined the Marines in the early 60's and spent a decade as one. He joined before the Vietnam draft, so he could be a "Real Soldier" and not get stuck in the Army. He saw the horrors of war abroad and at home (he was at the Watts riots). The Marines made him who he is, faithful and loyal.

This year we are lumping a few holidays together, my dad's birthday, my sister's birthday and the Marine Corp birthday. My 9 year old has been working on learning the Marine Hymn on Saxophone as a special gift for my dad. We fully expect teary eyes. As they say, once a Marine, always a Marine.

1 comment:

chestertonian said...

I am a Marine vet too, Deb, so tell your dad Semper Fi from me.