Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I like to think I am the queen of the co-op. I co-op more than half of my groceries, and all of my cleaning supplies and health and beauty products (hey, I found a wrinkle a few weeks ago, and it needs to be dealt with!). Co-oping and distributism are closely related. Almost every thing I can co-op is from a small independent company, and the co-op is a way to get it to me easily, at a good price.

So what is a co-op? Well, he simple answer is a group of people who come together to purchase bulk goods at a reduced price. It's kind of like Sam's or Costco, but really really really small. You have to join, and usually the group work is shared. Most co-ops specialize in Organic or natural foods and products. In other parts of the country, many co-ops have a "store" for members to go to, but those are a dying breed. They have been pushed out by the likes of Walmart.

Why co-op? To save cash. My husband debates this one monthly, when I write the big ol' co-op check. We do spend a bit more on some items, but they are items that are hard to compare to what I get at the grocery store. I mean, can you find mill ground organic white whole wheat pastry flour? I couldn't so I buy 10lbs a month and bake my little heart out. I find I save the most cash by not having to bring the 3 wee beasties with me shopping, or spending the gas to go to the store frequently. Another reason to co-op is to support smaller businesses. I have been a part of many orders for items from companies so small, they do not have a big distribution system in place yet, but they are happy to work with a co-op.

I could go on forever about my co-ops, the wonderful side benefit is I have met people who I would never have met other wise. My food co-op is a great look at ecumenism at its best, we are Byzantine, Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Anglican and a Lutheran pastor. We all are very faithful, and have a good time gently poking fun at each other (mostly fasting jokes, we all have different fasts) and sharing our faith.

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