Thursday, January 10, 2008

On the Thriteenth Day of Christamas..

My True love gave to me...
A trip to the ER with the Hubby!

Yes, Yes, there is not a 13th day of Christmas, but if there was, it should not be spent having hubby get chest x-rays. My husband's little cold has become bilateral pneumonia. (Dave-if you are reading this, please keep it hush hush, Hubby does not want his mother worrying, or his sister for that matter, just me.)

Note to Husbands: If you wife tells you are are sick and need to see a doctor, LISTEN TO HER, right away, not two weeks later. She is probably right. We wives are more than just eye candy, we are full of knowledge, wisdom and common sense, that is why you married us, Right? So darn it, Listen to us!

The Husband is on the mend, and and heads back to work tomorrow. Once he is back to "normal" I get to spend some quality "I told you so time" with him. I won't gloat, but a lesson will be learned!


chestertonian said...

"We wives are more than just eye candy."

You are? ;-)

Deb said...

Okay, maybe 16 years ago, when we were in High school and just started dating, but 3 kids and 10 years of marriage takes its toll!
Side note, I got your parent's vendor registration for the ILCHC. Sooo happy they are coming, though I'm sure my bank account will not be as happy!

chestertonian said...

LOL, Deb, just tell 'em I said you could have everything for free and I'm sure they'll accomodate you. ;-)