Wednesday, January 2, 2008

On the fourth day of Christmas....

My True loves gave to me..
4 coughs a barking
3 noses running
2 ears an aching
and a Husband with a temp of 103!

Thus has been my octave of Christmas thus far! Fun Fun and More Fun! The kids are fine now, mostly, but the husband is still hanging onto a horrible cold. He is a royal pain to handle when sick. He pretends like nothing is wrong, but his acting skills are lacking these days. Then, he will not go to a doctor or follow my series of natural remedies. Ugh. Plus, in the 14 years we have been together, I've only known him to get truly sick once before, about 12 years ago. So I have been worried that all of a sudden he is not fighting this off.

Everyone but me slept through New Years eve, but at least we carried out the traditional trimming of the Treebeard. Yep, we annually decorate our family Ent. First year it happened, My husband was just being funny, but then it caught on, and the kids fight over who gets to decorate Treebeard. They don't fight over who helps mom with the actual tree!

And for those concerned, those are not all library books behind him, just my ever growing collection of books from "going out of business library sales". We've amassed a very nice collection of biographies written in the 1950's and 60's, before authors apologized for every action a person took.

I hope your Christmases were peaceful and healthy. Maybe by Epiphany we will be back to normal.


chestertonian said...

LOL, Deb, excellent custom!

But your Octave sounds better than my Octave, which I spent mostly in the hospital.

Deb said...

I heard you were hospitalized, sounded awful! I blame my current bad attitude to the fact that I need to get my sorry self to confession. My confessor is usually around on Tuedays, needless to say, he had other plans the last two weeks!

chestertonian said...

Did you ever get to confession? In my experience, the happiest people on earth are Catholics who make regular and frequent use of confession.

Deb said...

You'd think I would have made it, but No. Long series of confusing events, And priests not being where they are scheduled to be due to weather. I'll attempt again this Tuesday. I know it has been at least a month, I NEVER go that long. It feels like eternity. If Fr. does not come Tuesday, I'll just have to go to another priest. I'm too picky and try to go to the same priest every week. *sigh* Once I let one thing slip, the whole plan of life gets a bit slippery!