Saturday, January 5, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Most years I have thought New Year's resolutions are silly. However, this year, I needed a big boost to get back on track with a few things I've been lax on, so it seemed appropriate. Here you go, in no order whatsoever, what I hope to do this year:
1. Get my lazy self to daily Mass again, easy enough, I used to, in the very recent past, manage this.
2. Read more classic books. I am of the age group that was assigned trash in high school and College, and therefore, missed the classics. I also figure I have to hurry up and read these before I expect any of my kids to.
3. Pray at least one really good Rosary a week. I usually end up multi-tasking, driving and praying the Rosary, so at least once a week, I hope to just sit and be still, even as the squirrels that are my children surround me.
4.Practice Kindness far more each day. I'm re-reading The Hidden Power of Kindness enough said.
5.Practice mandolin. I really need to get spend 5 minutes a month on this if I ever want to play.
6. Spend 30 minutes a day exercising. We have a Wii, it has training, sad though it may be, this is my plan.
7. Be a bit more green. I used to be very very crunchy, but got lazy, so I'd like to get back to some of my crunchy roots.

What resolutions do you have for this year?

1 comment:

Nancy C. Brown said...

Deb, yours are great resolutions.
I resolved not to make resolutions this year. Instead, I decided to try the new day's resolutions. Every day, when I wake up, I'm going to try to do three things, (and these relate to yours, so I'm with you!):
1. Smile more. At everyone and anyone, but mostly, my family.
2. Sing, whistle, or hum more around the house. This creates an atmosphere of lightness and a good feeling in my children that all is well.
3. Be more cheerful, which really means, be less selfish. Try to BE cheerful and spread Cheerfulness to others.

Thanks for the post! and Happy New Year!