Monday, October 8, 2007

My I-Pod, its, its...

DEAD!!! *sob* I know it is not a big deal to most, and I could use this as a chance to learn detachment, but I NEED my little nano. It is not just for music, it is for lazy homeschooling. I keep our entire history book on my little i-pod. I keep the Rosary on it, so I can drive and not have to try to juggle beads while praying, I keep a book or two to entertain the wee little beasties while waiting for whomever we are picking up. I also keep two little playlists called "Loud Mama" and "Quiet Mama", to fit my mood, of which I only have room for two. And last but not least, I keep Mark Shea's Rock Solid Catholic Exchange podcast.

I've had it for two years, and It has worked like a charm, making me very happy and has been a useful tool for faith formation. I cannot run out and buy another, because we simply do not do that in this house, I mean, I got this one for free, actually my husband earned at as a bonus from his former employer. His current employer is not music related, so no new I-pods in my future. I'm sure life will go on, and maybe I'll run over to the Apple store and beg them to look at it, but just for a moment, mourn my little black nano, now I'm stuck listening to the radio.

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