Thursday, September 13, 2007

Um, what about the 5th Commandment

I guess I'm just too simple, but I cannot comprehend how anyone who calls themselves a Christian, and a minister at that, could be pro-Planned Parenthood.This quote just gets me.

The Rev. Greenfield was even more blunt.
"To deny somebody choice," he said, "is contrary to what I believe to be the teachings of Jesus as a Christian."


chestertonian said...

I hate to judge, but we are getting to the point where being a sincere, devoted Protestant means no longer being a Christian, at least for some communities. And just because they claim to hold Christ in reverence does not make them Christian: the Bajai's, the Muslims, and other faiths also claim to hold Christ in reverence.

Deb said...

This is the relativism that the Holy Father talks about. It is plaguing Christian Churches,the effort to be "nice" and "helpful" has trampled truth.