Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why Our Family Celebrates Feast Days

Recently the woman I work for asked me what we were doing, and I without thinking responded,”Today is the Feast of St. Thomas so we are having a party.” About a week later, again, same questions, and I responded with a similar answer. She made a face, and told me I was too religious. I disagree.

I do take our faith seriously, but only in that it is a serious matter, but it is a cause for jollity, too! I love that every week, I can find an excuse for a party. We Catholics know how to party, it’s true, we take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. Each day is a cause for celebration, and each soul that is in heaven as a saint gives us cause to party. Why? Because it gives us hope, something to look forward to and a reason to rejoice, the race has been run and completed.

I have a great deal of fun coming up with a creative way to celebrate. This week was St. Lawrence, grilled food, for the feast of St. Maximilian, two crown cake, and for St. Francis Xavier, curry. So far, it all involves food, but that is what I do. I also do it so my kids will have memories. I want them to be out of my house thinking of an excuse for a party and turn to the Saints. Or better, remember that their name day, or that of a friend is coming up. These little things help keep us connected to the faith in moments we might normally forget. I always remembered to put my shoes out for St. Nick, even when my family left the church, and St. Nick very well may have helped me come back.

Celebrate! Cook! And spend time as a family with our family who have finished the race.

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