Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My goal is to get them to Heaven, not Harvard

This should be my mantra. I need to constantly remind myself that just because I home school and overall my kids are smart, they can be average, and there is nothing wrong with that. I've been stressing myself out that I am not teaching them a thing. This has been a rough year, we haven't been as diligent in getting all of our school done. I've been beating myself up, my kids will be failures because in third grade I spent too much time teaching the 20th century, and not enough on handwriting.

My oldest is in Jr. High, which is more stressful. People expect her to go to school in 2 years. She is not going. She wants to stay home. I'm happy to oblige. I'm feeling pressure to make sure she can get into the best High School, even if she will not attend. She, like me, stinks at math. Obviously, I taught her her wrong, right?

It is so easy as mom to blame myself, but the reality is God will work in spite of me.

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