Sunday, January 18, 2009

Video Games-New feature

My Husband works in the Video game industry and for several years it was our little secret. After all, Homeschooler don't play video games, right? the few people who knew where he worked reminded me how he was contributing to the demise of morals and corrupting youth. Nice, huh. We quietly brought several game systems to our home, and enjoyed them, secretly. When other homeschoolers came over, my kids were not allowed to play games with them, as their parents did not allow them to play. Slowly word got out that we were the "video game" family. Shame on us.

I never felt like we were being corrupted, we carefully chose what games came into the house, and we set rules and timers for usage. We played Wii together, and interacted the entire time, as a family, not as individuals. It seemed to me that there were worse ways we could spend time together.

Attitudes have changed, most of our friends have gotten a Wii, and we weekly get calls or emails for game recommendations. My husband has access to  most every new game on the market for us to try, so we can give opinions of almost everything. We try to look at each game as parents, what will be good for kids of various ages, and the parents who have to watch them. That said, I am going to start reviewing video games here. I think there is a need for families to have a place to go to see if games are appropriate for kids and if they are truly family games. I'll take requests for game reviews, at times I will use my husband's opinion and not actual game play for info. 

Video games are not the evil that may have made them out to be, like everything in life, in moderation and with selection, they can be a good way to learn.


Anonymous said...

Can you review Active Life Outdoor Challenge for Wii? Thanks!

Deb said...

You Bet. My kids are playing it right now!

Anonymous said...

will you only do wii games or also things like nintendo ds games?

Deb said...

I can do DS games, X-Box 360, Wii, and PSP. I also can ask my husband for his views on PS3 games, but that we do not have, so it will be based upon what he has seen or heard from friends and co-workers