Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tales from the X-files

Some readers may remember the Kasia's, my little X's imaginary, well, civilization. I've written about them before. The Kasia's are still living in our home, that is when they are not back at Chocolate Island on Mars, their native land.

Typical day around here involves at least 5 Kasia stories, like moms says, " Hey, Xai, Where are your shoes," hoping to get an answer like, under the couch, but instead gets, " Mom! Here's what happened. The Kasia's got mad and they took them to the back bathroom, and shoved them in the shower drain, they went down into the sewer and are gone forever." He says this in all seriousness and without even hesitating for a millisecond. Old sibling then chimes in, "Why does everything have to involve the Kasia's, I put the shoes away."

Well, the Kasia's have spread, now my Choir Director/Youth Minister asks about them, and she told our saint of a parish secretary about them, who jokingly said she would invoke the Kasia's next time Father walks into her office looking for something. Nice. No wonder Father has been looking at me funny for a few weeks now. He things my son needs an exorcism.

The Kasias are not just for trouble, though. Tuesday was Youngup's birthday, he is a Kasia that has been given a name, not sure why, but Youngup it is. I was coerced into baking a cake, not that me baking takes much coercion. It came time to serve the cake, and I asked if Youngup was here, I still cannot see them, only the mess they make. I was informed Youngup had to go and take some Kasias to Afghanistan to take care of Tony, my brother-in-law, who had just deployed there. Tony's kids are in a bad state, to the point that they youngest does not want to turn 4 without his dad. But no need to worry, the Kasias are taking care of him.

"When we step into the family, by the act of being born, we do step into a world which is incalculable, into a world which has its own strange laws, into a world which could do without us, into a world we have not made. In other words, when we step into the family we step into a fairy-tale." Chesterton -Heretics, CW, I, p.143

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