Friday, October 31, 2008

I've had it!

Fighting, Squabbling, and meanness. Not among, my kids, I was fed up with that long ago, but with my friends and fellow Homeschoolers. The reality is we will never ever see eye to eye, we have far too many differences to agree. BUT, and that is a BIG BUT, we are all children of God, we are all given the same dignity and freedom given by our Creator. 
He is a loving Father to us all, no matter what, really. Sure some of us know more about some things, and some of us do more in some areas, but these are ways WE show our love, not ways HE shoes his love. We should share that love, that mercy, that forgiveness, not hold our errors over each other. What if our Lord treated us that way? We are called to no less than Perfection, "You must be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect"- Matt 5:48

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