Thursday, April 10, 2008

Finally a diagnosis

Some of you have met my youngest son, Xai. And if you have met him, then you have met the "Kasias". For those who have not, let me explain. The Kasias live with us, there are about a million of them, I think, they are ducks, inchworms, ghosts, pirates, lions who can throw spears, despite the fact that they do not have thumbs, really the list goes on. The kasias wake us up at all hours of the night, they spill milk, they "attack" us from behind, generally they wreak havoc. Nobody knows where the Kasias came from, oldest daughter says hell, but that is not polite, so we usually try to come up with other explanations.

The worst part is, I cannot see them, only Xai can, so I never know when, say, I'm cooking dinner, a kasia will come through extremely quickly and try to get into the food or need me to read a scroll (yes a scroll) that they are delivering, with urgency. It gets worse, I've recently been informed that the duck Kasias live in the toilet. So now, at 5am, as I'm staggering blindly to the loo, I need to make sure the 3 year old is not awake enough to yell at me that I cannot use this particular bathroom!

My husband and I have looked for answers, did we drop him as a baby and forget? Did he get into the Homeopathics and make a dangerous tonic? What would cause a small, cute child to behave this way, I mean the kasia parties are getting a bit wild, and the kasia knights are not chivalrous! Then, I came across this. What a relief! It is not our fault for letting him watch TV, or listen to books on CD, or even worse, eat non-healthy food, he has YTD, or Youthful Tendency disorder. At least now we can explain the sword fights with the Kasias to visitors without embarrassment.

H/T: Studeo

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