Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More tales from the X-Files

It's been a while since I've mentioned my youngest Xavier, but he needs mentioning again. My nearly 5 year old started school yesterday. Home school, of course, but it's still school. This has given more fodder for the blog than months of thinking ever could.

Case in point, before the day even began, he was whining, "Why did you make me join this school, now I have to wear pants?" We have a school rule regarding coming to the table with clothes on, he hates this rule. Xai hates pants, he has a rule against them I was informed.

We began phonics, covering the /f/ sound. I asked him if he could think of a few /f/ sound words. Here's how that turned out "um, fffish, um, fffootball, fffork, fffan, and ffffpuppy" "Um, Xai, Puppy doesn't begin with /f/" "Well, (with hands on his hips and eyes rolling) I SAID FFFFPUPPY!! THAT BEGINS WITH FFFFF!!!"

Today was just as entertaining, I was administering placement tests to the older kids, and was asked for a sentence to go with the word after. Xai chimed in, "I've got one, After you drink too much, you pass out" Great, which college kid taught him that, because it certainly wasn't his parents, I must talk to his best friend's 22 year old sister!

His sister tried to teach him math, but after calling her "queen bossy boots" she gave the job up.

I can only imagine how quickly his little behind would be in the principal's office if he wasn't homeschooled. As it is the principal gets 3-4 text messages a day with the antics of an insane 4 year old.

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