Friday, August 7, 2009

Cock-eyed Optimist?

I never pegged myself as an optimist, matter of fact, my oldest and dearest friends would probably laugh out loud to hear me say it, but I am. Sure I think that the world is going to hell in a hand basket, I mean, seriously, look around! But I'm pretty sure there is a hole somewhere in that mass produced basket that is a way out, there is always hope.

Hope is a funny thing, it is one of those virtues that you have to pray for, to ask God for, and cannot "earn". I cannot give a great lesson one hope, Salvi et Spes puts into words my hearts deepest beliefs, and my dumb sea cucumber self can only put into feeble mutterings how important hope is. Hope has become my driving force. As bad as it seems, as bad as the government, or schools or economy are, I still believe that it has a purpose, we cannot give up, or simply whine about how bad it is. Hope puts faith into action.

I dunno what else to say, it has been a crummy day that makes me miss a lot of old friends, and really wish I could hide in a beer slushy (don't ask), but for some stupid reason, I still see the goodness, I still believe in hope. All the crap has a purpose.

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