Thursday, February 21, 2008

I've Returned

From where you ask? In the magic world of a very warm blanket. Its been darn stinking cold here in Chicago! Life has been very busy, and very cold. I've become one of those mothers who spends a great deal of her day carting a children around to lessons, Ballet, band, Science club, cooking class, calligraphy, and boys club. Most days of late it has been snowing, so the trips take three times as long, and when I return to my nice warm house, I usually just want to curl up with my presshooler and try to get warm. Unfortunatly, 3 year old toes are usually sub-zero and make me colder. Anyway, I'm back. I promise not to disappear for so long again.


Nancy C. Brown said...

Welcome back.

This is hibernation season in Chicago, and curling up and staying warm and definitely ok.

But, I'm glad you're back.

Stay warm!

Deb said...

Thanks, Nancy! Welcome back, yourself, at least to Chicago. For some reason this seems like the longest winter ever, can't really explain it, though.

Remind me of winter if I complain of the heat and humidity in August!