Monday, November 1, 2010

The Prayer Whisperer

I will admit to never having read or seen the Horse Whisperer, the Dog Whisperer or the Baby Whisperer, but I have seen and encountered the Prayer Whisperer. You know the prayer whisperer, she’s the older woman who whispers her Rosary REALLY loudly in adoration, at 5 am.

I really don’t care how one prays, whatever draws you nearer to God is perfect, unless of course, you decide to to do it during MY holy hour. Yep, mine, and normally mine alone. I treasure my 60 minutes on Saturday morning at an hour I’ve been told is not officially recognized by the Vatican. I do not get out of bed at 4:00 am for anything else, even sick kids might have to tend themselves that hour.

Since our Chapel opened two years ago, I’ve been sitting in a cold, dark chapel almost every Saturday, sometimes with my partner, sometimes by myself. He and I have an agreement, to not make a sound, but to stay awake. I adore this time (ooohh, bad pun, sorry). So when someone comes in and makes sound, it ruffles my cold feathers.

Why? I am a very jealous woman. I do NOT want to share my love. When I am alone, sitting and gazing at Him, there is nothing else I can think of, I can talk to Him about all of my woes, but more importantly, I can just sit there, with Him. I’m sure that the loud whisper lady needed Him that morning, why else would she be there at 5:00 am. But to sit and be alone with Him, gives me a taste of heaven.

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