Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Taking steps backwards, Since 1998

I came across this article via Mark Shea's blog. While I find it respectful of Fr. McBrien to defend the honor of a reporter, he should consider ways to do it without losing his own, not that he had much to begin with.

I spend my pre-dawn Saturday mornings here. Why? Certainly not because I love getting up at 4am! I do it because, in my great selfishness, I need to. I need to grow in love. I need to find a time to forget myself, my desire for sleep, or a shower before work, time to sit in in the glow of my Lord. I do not do it to "bring back the old days" because I wasn't born then! Fr. McBrien's theory that adoration is to bring back the old is silly, in my opinion. I know more young modern people that go to adoration than those his age.

I think we do it because we have to. Not just for ourselves, but for our church that he and his generation, my parents, spent the last 40 years trying "renew", only to throw out everything old without regard for its value. I'm not anti-Vatican II, quite the contrary to be honest, but we cannot disregard the 2000 years of beauty and devotions for a few passing fancies.

I go to adoration every week, happily, proudly and willingly. I do not know how I'd get through the week without it, so for now, I guess I'm walking backwards.

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