Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Taking it all in

Now that the Holy Father has left the States, I can sit back and read all of his speeches and homilies. While he was here, I was unable to clearly hear all he said, for many reasons. The first is the funniest. My kids watched everything with me. Here's a little glimpse into my living room during the papal visit.
Mom -Hey guys, the Pope is on EWTN, come and watch (not realizing she was not going to be able to watch by inviting them)
Kids- Do we know anyone there?
Mom - Yes, we do, look for Bryan, Br. Maximilian and Father Peter. ( This was my second mistake)
Kids - Is that Bryan?
Mom - I doubt it.
Kids - Is that Br. MM? That one is wearing grey.
Mom- No, Sshhh, Listen to what the Pope is saying.
Daughter - What kind of Sisters are those, they have pretty habits.
Mom- I don't know (mom turns up volume, a lot)
Kids - Is that one Br. MM
Mom - No.
Kids - Is that one?(this repeats about 50 more times)
Dad- I need to see the weather, can you watch this later?
Mom- School time kids!
Kids- EWTN is school, dad, We NEED to watch the pope.

Get the idea? Chaos, loud squirrely chaos. The little I heard was inspiring and exciting. The fact that Pat Robertson said the Holy Father is a brilliant, holy man last night on the 700 Club (I was flipping channels) made me realize just how others have been inspired. Thank goodness for the Internet. I have reading to do for months, but at my slow mommy-brained pace. Just so I can take it all in, and make the visit last a little longer in my small world.

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