Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Paving the Road to Hell

Good intentions run rampant here. Whether it be my desire to write a worthwhile blog, or my volunteering or most importantly raising my kids right. My desire and intentions are good, I promise, but the results, maybe not.

Life has a funny way of sidetracking me. I really wanted to make Advent special here, on the blog, but my 8 hour a week part-time job turned into a 20 hour a week job without me noticing. I have begun to sacrifice things I enjoy, like writing and baking for running around taking kids to lessons. I have given up daily mass, because I have to be at work at the same time. I used to read, now I cram things into my brain as quickly as possible. There is no joy in that.

How do we find peace and solace in the busy-ness and chaos? I truly do not have a solution. My one hour of adoration a week is not cutting it anymore, may prayer the rest of the week is stale, and I know I need life in it, but right now, I do now have it in me to figure out how.


Anonymous said...

Praying for peace for you! Love you honey, it will be alright.

Deb said...

I wrote this 3 days ago, before I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out. I look forward to my date at 5 am more than I ever have.

Carla said...

We all go through days like these Deb! Focus on the basics (adoration, husband/children, morning offering, greet Our Lady/rosary) and be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit!