Sunday, April 12, 2009


Regina Caeli, Laetare, Alleluia.
Quia quem meruisti portare, Alleluia, 
Resurrexit, sicut dixit, Alleluia, 
Ora pro nobis Deum, Alleluia!

O, Queen of Heaven, Be joyful, Alleluia, 
For He, whom you humbly borne for us, Alleluia, 
Has arisen, has he promised, Alleluia, 
Offer now our prayer to God, Alleluia!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Making the most of the time that is left

It's Holy Week, the final few days of Lent. The last days to pray, sacrifice and give alms, in other words, IT'S NOT TOO LATE! Holy Week is Cram week on a huge scale. Sure, there is not good excuse for doing absolutely nothing all of Lent, and suddenly becoming devote in Holy week, but for those of us who tried, really tried, and failed, this is a call to action. 

Why? Because this week of all weeks there will be more naysayers on TV, more anti-Christian news articles (Newsweek still is showing up in my mail  box, this week, the Death of Christian America), and general malaise from much of the general population. But, we are not them, we are God's beloved Sons and Daughters, who return His love with devotion. That is what Holy Week is all about, love and devotion. The Father's devotion to a promise of old, the Son's Love for us, and the call for us to return that Love and Devotion. We are not required to do much this week, fast and pray. Everything else is done out of our love, even the things that may seem like they should be required, are not.

Just think, what could you (or I) be doing to help those around us who think our devotions are silly. There is always room for a little more prayer when those people aggravate us, or belittle our efforts. What about making another small sacrifice for that friend, or another who we want to help. Something as simple as drinking only water, or passing up the seconds, offered in prayer is a great gift. Or, when we are too tired, and crabby, smiling at our children, even though they may be the cause of our exhaustion and crankiness, just to say I love you. The list of ideas could go on forever!

Have a blessed Holy week, and make the most of the time before we celebrate the resurrection!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Somethings in Life are Just Fun!

Living in Chicago, I cannot help but picture this in Union Station! Thanks to My friend Julie, the Internet Queen!